New Year, New You!
Here at Independence Manor, our Assisted Living Community, residents begin a new year with a sense of hope and new beginnings. The colder weather, shorter days, and the aftermath of holiday indulgence can affect both physical and mental well-being. However, with the thoughts of a few key strategies, seniors can maintain good health and start the year feeling strong and energized.
1. Let’s Stay Active
Senior living in our retirement community incorporates being physically active in a few ways. Engage in activities of your choice to balance your day by selecting from a variety of activities from our Monthly Activity Calendar designed with our residents in mind. Why not try chair yoga, or our ever-popular morning exercise program to suit all levels of abilities to get your day going. Or if you feel you would like a more personalized program, our physical or occupational therapist on site would be happy to work with you. You might ask, “What’s the difference in the two options?” The answer is all we need is a prescription from your doctor telling us what your goals would be. This could include strengthening and building endurance and balance. And best of all, your sessions will take place in our gymnasium with a professional and knowledgeable therapist who will build this program just for you.
2. So Now, “Let’s Eat”
Let’s face it, during the holidays we have all overindulged so maybe you feel it’s time to get your diet back on track. Head Chef Vito, with the guidance of our Dietician plans the menus based on seasonal foods to create healthy and balanced meals. Our seniors at Independence Manor select their meals from a variety of choices. Breakfast is made to order, with two selections for lunch and dinner, and if those selections are not enticing there is the “Always Available Menu” to select from if you are in the mood for a burger, deli sandwich or something light. This is served in our large, open, restaurant-style dining room featuring a cozy fireplace and high ceilings. And if you happen to make a few friends in our community, then tables are grouped to encourage conversation while having a reserved seat. Please take a look at a sample of our menus on our website and see what you think.
3. Let’s Tackle the Winter Blues
January can be tough emotionally, especially as the days are shorter and the weather colder. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is common among older adults, and it can lead to feelings of sadness, fatigue, and social withdrawal. At Independence Manor, we recognize that those feelings can exist and that is why our caring team of nurses, activity and dietary staff, even our housekeepers and maintenance staff take a genuine interest in how you are every day. It’s in our motto, It’s in the way we care approach. We feel that our kind, friendly service enhances interactions and enriches the lives of our residents.
Take a closer look at our website and see how life at Independence Manor in Flemington can enhance your life. Drop us a line, give us a call or stop by to say, “Hi”. We would love to meet you and your family.
Next month there will be more information on how to get through the winter months with less stress because we are always here for you!
For any questions or comments please fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you shortly. For immediate assistance please call (908) 788-4893
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